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The Art of Closing: 7 Steps to Selling

Selling can be a rollercoaster of emotions - the highs of closing a deal and the lows of rejection can take a toll on even the most experienced salespeople. But fear not, my fellow sales warriors! I wrote this article to help you navigate through the ups and downs of selling with confidence and ease. This blog will walk you through the seven crucial steps to take your sales game to the next level. So grab your favorite beverage, put on your selling shoes, and let's dive into this epic journey of selling like a boss!

Understanding Your Product

Ah, yes, the age-old adage of "knowledge is power" could not be more accurate when it comes to selling. Picture this: you walk into a room full of potential customers, and they all have a barrage of questions lined up for you. Do you stutter and fumble, or do you confidently fire back the answers, leaving them impressed and ready to buy? The answer, my friend, lies in how well you know your product.

You need to have the kind of knowledge that goes beyond the surface-level features and benefits of your product. You need to know the ins and outs, the nooks and crannies, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Trust me, the customer can tell when you're winging it or if you truly know your stuff. That's why it's crucial to study your product as if your life depended on it.

But knowledge alone won't cut it. You need the confidence to back it up. Think about it: if you don't believe in what you're selling, how can you expect anyone else to? You need to be so confident in your product that you can sell it to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Confidence comes from knowing your product inside out, from having answers to every possible question or objection that a customer might throw your way. So, before you even think about selling, make sure you know your product like the back of your hand, and let your confidence shine through!


Prospecting is the lifeblood of sales. It's the process of finding potential customers who may be interested in your product or service. But how do you find these potential customers, you may ask? Well my friend, there are countless ways to prospect, and the key is to find what works best for you. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Networking events: Attend industry-specific events, conferences, or trade shows to meet potential customers and build relationships. Remember to bring plenty of business cards and a winning smile!

  • Social media: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram to reach out to potential customers and establish a relationship. Follow them, engage with their content, and offer value before pitching your product or service.

  • Referrals: Ask your existing customers for referrals. They can introduce you to potential customers who are more likely to trust you because they trust their friend or colleague.

  • Cold calling: Yes, it's an old-school tactic, but it still works. Make a list of potential customers and give them a call to introduce yourself and your product.

  • Email marketing: Send personalized emails to potential customers, highlighting how your product or service can solve their problems. Make sure the email is concise, compelling, and valuable.

  • Direct mail: Send a physical letter or postcard to potential customers introducing yourself and your product. It may sound outdated, but it can grab the recipient's attention in a world full of digital noise.

Remember, prospecting is not a one-time task. It's an ongoing process that should be part of your daily routine. Keep a record of your prospects, follow up regularly, and don't be afraid to try new prospecting techniques. With persistence and creativity, you'll find your ideal customers and close more deals.

Customer Approach

When it comes to approaching potential customers, it's important to remember that each one is unique, with their own set of preferences, needs, and pain points. Your approach should be tailored to each individual to maximize the chances of making a sale.

One effective approach is to start with a courtesy email, introducing yourself and your product or service. This email serves as a reference point for your follow-up call and helps establish your credibility. However, it's important to keep in mind that not every email will receive a response, so don't get discouraged if you don't hear back from everyone.

When it comes to the follow-up call, make sure to be confident and assertive. Begin by referencing the email you previously sent and then try to find common ground with the customer. Ask open-ended questions to understand their needs and challenges, and listen actively to their responses. By doing so, you can identify their "hot buttons" and tailor your pitch to address those specific pain points.

For example, if you're selling a product that helps businesses streamline their operations, ask the potential customer about their current process and where they experience bottlenecks or inefficiencies. If you're selling a software product, ask about their experience with similar products and what they liked or disliked about them. By doing so, you can demonstrate that you understand their needs and can offer a solution that meets those needs.

Once you've established a rapport with the potential customer, work to schedule a face-to-face sales presentation. This is your chance to showcase your product or service in detail and demonstrate how it can help the customer achieve their goals. Remember, the key to success is to approach each customer individually and tailor your approach to their unique needs and preferences.

Identify What the Prospect Needs

When identifying what a prospect needs, it's important to ask strong, direct questions to understand their pain points and motivations. This will help you tailor your pitch to their specific needs and demonstrate that you understand their unique challenges. You can also try to get them to open up on emotional tangents, as emotions can be a powerful motivator for making a sale.

For example, if you're selling a health supplement, you might ask a potential customer about their current diet and exercise routine, and whether they've been feeling fatigued or run down. By getting them to open up about their health concerns, you can demonstrate how your product can help them feel better and achieve their goals. Remember, the key is to identify the prospect's needs and tailor your pitch accordingly.

Sales Presentation

The sales presentation is the moment of truth when you have the opportunity to showcase your product or service and close the deal. To create a successful sales presentation, you need to bring together your product knowledge and understanding of the prospect's needs. It's important to focus on the benefits of your product or service, rather than just the features. Demonstrate how your product can solve their problems or meet their needs.

Your presentation should be engaging and interactive, using visuals and storytelling to help the prospect connect with your product or service. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might confuse or intimidate the prospect. Instead, use language that is easy to understand and focuses on the benefits.

Finally, make sure you show up looking your best. Dress appropriately and professionally, and arrive early to set up your materials and get organized. This includes meetings held digitally using platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. Remember, your appearance and demeanor are part of your sales pitch, so be confident, friendly, and approachable. By presenting yourself in the best possible light, you'll increase your chances of making a strong connection with the prospect and closing the deal.


Closing the deal is the ultimate goal of any sales presentation, and it's where the rubber meets the road. It's also the step that separates successful salespeople from those who struggle to make a sale. In order to close the deal, you need to be confident, assertive, and able to read the prospect's buying signals. You should also be prepared to address any objections or concerns that the prospect may have.

There are many different closing techniques that you can use to seal the deal, such as the assumptive close, where you assume that the prospect is ready to buy and ask for the sale, or the alternative close, where you give the prospect two options, both of which lead to a sale. The key is to be flexible and adaptable, and to use the closing technique that is best suited to the situation and the prospect's personality.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be persistent and not give up too easily. If the prospect doesn't buy on the first attempt, don't be afraid to follow up and continue the conversation. With practice and experience, you can become a master of the art of closing and dramatically increase your sales success.


Following up is like watering a plant - it's an essential step that helps your sales efforts grow and flourish. Think of your prospects as seeds that need nurturing to turn into fruitful customers. If you failed to close the deal, don't worry - it happens to the best of us. Instead of giving up, use this as an opportunity to build a stronger relationship with the prospect. Be persistent but not pushy, and focus on understanding their needs and addressing any concerns they may have. Remember, a successful salesperson is like a detective, always uncovering new clues and finding creative ways to close the deal. So roll up your sleeves, put on your detective hat, and get ready to turn those prospects into happy customers.

Here are some ideas for following up with prospects:

  • Send a personalized email or handwritten note thanking them for their time and reiterating the benefits of your product or service.

  • Call them to check in and see if they have any questions or concerns. Be sure to listen carefully and address any objections they may have.

  • Offer to provide additional information or resources that might help them make a decision.

  • Send them a sample of your product or a free trial offer to give them a chance to try it out for themselves.

  • Invite them to a special event or demonstration that showcases your product or service.

  • Use social media to stay in touch and keep them up-to-date on new developments or special offers.

Remember, the key to successful follow-up is to stay top-of-mind with the prospect and show them that you value their business. By building a relationship based on trust and respect, you'll increase your chances of turning them into a satisfied customer.


Congratulations! You have just learned the basics of successful selling. Always remember to study your product, prospect relentlessly, approach each customer uniquely, identify their needs, present seamlessly, close the deal confidently, and follow up consistently. Don't forget that sales is all about building relationships, so treat your customers like people, not just numbers. Ready to learn more? Join our FREE Business 101 Webinar to take your sales skills to the next level!

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